Sunday, November 16, 2014

Incompetent Kings

War: a tragic period of conflict that appears to occur within every single era of time. The real question is, "Why was war born into existence in the first place, and despite everyone's efforts to quell its malicious destruction, why does it still exist?" Some may answer that it is defend freedom, to put food on the table, to provide room for an ever expanding nation, for another nation's plunder.

Out of personal belief, the center of it all is driven by a philosophy so simple that even a child understands what it is, and that is the desire for want.


The villainous side of that belief is the simplest one of them all; those are the people who wage war for selfish purposes often do it for another nation's goods, for their land, maybe at times for its people. As for the benevolent side, only slightly more complex; those are the people who have something to protect or perhaps a righteous thing to gain: freedom, their families, peace, their homeland.

The bottom line is that war occurs in this world today because both sides want something, whether it is from their enemies or it is something they strive to protect. However, war doesn't just spring up out of nowhere, it requires someone to lead it.

Incompetent Kings

Of course, monarchy is a thing that has largely become obsolete now that what people call "democracy" has now become the popular government, but the politicians today are still largely driven by the same ambitions as would an incompetent king would. Hitler started World War II because of his own belief that his people were the dominant race. In the midst of all those speeches he proclaimed to the people, did he once state a fact that justified his insane ambitions? It's quite obvious the answer to that was no. The result: 60 million lives lost, and a tenth of them were the Jews they degraded to trash. Terrorists started the 9/11 incident, and for what? Because they hated the U.S.'s guts for giving freedom to people? What's not to like about that?

And yet, it is in everybody's homeland where they believe war is justified, and that their leader who charges into the war first is "competent," and that those who fight for a righteous cause as to defend their own belongings are "incompetent."

A challenge to everyone, look at 5 wars of your choice, and judge for yourselves who was the competent side, and who was the incompetent side. Think what you will.

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