Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Foggy Winds of Uncertainty

The future... an area whose secrets are known only to God. No matter how one sees it, the future is forever going to remain unknown to everyone who lives. No matter how hard they try, they can never foresee what will exactly happen, let alone how it will happen. No matter what they do, they can never entirely prepare for what life is going to throw at them in the most inopportune moments.

And yet, everyone holds tight to themselves what they call "expectations" and "hope." It is ironic because many people expect something to happen in the future, even when they don't know what will exactly happen. Regardless of all their hopes, however, there is always going to be something unexpected that strikes when everyone least expects it, whether it is in the point where they are most comfortable, or when they are completely vigilant. In a way, it's like seeing the approaching dust of an army or two; people know hostility approaches, but they do not know what form it will be in.

Even still, there is hardly a person in the world who will not make preparations, even if it is for a threat they do not know about. In the most extreme sense, people invest their savings to either construct or buy a shelter prepped for the Apocalypse.

Efforts like those are futile, though, because the causality in the future is as fickle as the weather in Colorado. It's always going to change in the ways people least expect it to. Not only is it fickle, but it's also inconceivably uncontrollable by human hands. There's no stopping its approach, and certainly no changing what it brings.

A person procrastinates, they get behind on their work. A person overworks, tiring themselves to the brink of exhaustion. With choices come consequence, and that forms the basis of causality. People have power over their choices, but never over the results. Regardless, they still expect an envisioned result they carefully drawn out in their mind.The result, either utter disappointment or satisfaction at predicting the outcome correctly.

Is it worth the risk, though?


"Go with the flow." A common phrase that becomes a core philosophy of optimists. There really is no need for expectations or preparations of the future. Humans possess the unparalleled ability to improve, make progress. If that is an ability everybody possesses, even in the face of hindrance or hostility, wouldn't that itself be enough resource to withstand the unexpected? Life's great mysteries are what make it exciting. Terrifying, but exciting. In some ways, it's almost like trying to clear a game, because people need to discover many different methods to clear the levels in their life. Those great challenges are what make life fun, because with proper determination, people always find a way to keep moving toward the future.

Paranoid preparations aren't what combat the unknown future, it's the human will to progress that combats the uncertainty. If all people do is get obsessed with what they believe will happen, they're going to get trapped in the present and stop looking to the future, and therefore never find the will to make of it what they will.

Do not prepare for the unknown future that approaches. Instead, find the will to approach the future yourself.

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